A powerful Saturn election for talismans

“[Saturn] rules profound sciences, and the science of laws and seeking out the causes and roots of things and their effects, and speaking of wonders and understanding deep and secret qualities… When he is in good disposition and in his exaltation, however, he signifies purity, length of life, exaltation, joy, honour, wealth, inheritance, and the transmission of inheritances to sons and nephews.” – Picatrix, translated by John Michael Greer and Christopher Warnock

It is not mentioned specifically in the Picatrix, but I have found from my personal experience that crafting a planetary talisman during an election  for when a planet has just started to turn direct, after its retrograde phase has ended, is immensely powerful.

This election is for Saturn just over a day after it stationed direct.  Saturn is bright in the sky, as it is close to the Earth, and this is likely to be one of the few elections to make Saturn talismans while he is in the sign of Capricorn for a few decades.

Now bear in mind that Saturn is the natural significator of isolation, melancholy, asceticism, and ruler over  scholars, monks, and those who spend time in deep study.  A powerful Saturn talisman is likely to bring some of these qualities into your life, so it may be best to avoid this election unless Saturn is naturally friendly in your nativity

The Election

The time is 1606 (4:06PM) on 30 September 2020.  The place is London, UK.

Saturn is rising and is just separating from a square to Mars, and Jupiter makes an out-of-sign applying conjunction to Saturn.  The Moon is waxing and makes an applying sextile to Saturn.  Saturn hour is between 3.42PM and 4.39PM.

Ritual suggestions

You may wish to follow the usual procedures for creating talismans described in the Picatrix, in Agrippa, on this site, or elsewhere.  Start by choosing an appropriate gem or metal, compose a suitable incense, and at the elected time engrave the chosen image and say your prayers to Saturn, remembering to suffumigate the talisman once it has been consecrated.

The difficult thing with Saturn is choosing a goal that is truly worthy of this planet’s august nature.  The Picatrix suggests an image to be able to drink as much as we want and to die only of old age.  The Greater Key of Solomon has pentacles for striking terror into spirits, to chase away spirits who guard treasures, to curse enemies and to cause earthquakes.  I hope you use this election for something slightly more profound than getting drunk, scaring the bejesus out of spirits and blowing shit up.  If you do, feel free to let me know.

Please note that this election is only viable for London, UK and will need to be rectified for your location. This is not simply a matter of correcting for time zones. If you would like me to cast an election for your location, you can order an election here.

2 Replies to “A powerful Saturn election for talismans”

  1. Wouldn’t we consider an election with an applying conjunction with an afflicted planet nullified? I was under the impression that since Jupiter has an applying conjunction with Saturn while in fall, that we should consider another election for Saturnian talismans.
    Could you elaborate a little more on this? I’ve postponed a lot of potential Saturnian elections until December because of this!

    1. Hello,

      A debilitated Jupiter is unlikely to harm Saturn in his own sign, but a weak Saturn means its likely to offer little assistance. If it’s a concern, you may want to wait after the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction.


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