Love in the time of Coronavirus

The Embrace by Egon Schiele

The following is an election from the Picatrix for the creation of enduring love using image magic and the mathematical relationship which exists between  “amicable numbers”.

This is an election I have described before and you can find more information about it here.  In this post I will simply detail the election.  As described in the previous post about the election, you can utilise it to create a new love relationship, to increase the love in an existing relationship, and it can be used for couples, families, or larger parties provided that you can find the correct n-tuple amicable numbers.

The election

The time is 28 March 2020 at 0721 (07:21AM).  This is when Venus is conjunct the ascendant, but you can begin earlier as soon as Taurus is rising for your location.  However, I would try to create the image as close to this time as possible for maximum potency.

The Moon is applying to the body of Venus in Taurus.  Venus, natural ruler of love and friendship, is dignified by domicile and it is not afflicted. The Moon is dignified by exaltation and triplicity and is unafflicted by harsh aspects to the malefics.

The Work

Create the images at the time elected. You can make wax images or simply print out a photograph of the people you want to join together.

Write the amicable numbers over the heart area of each person in the photograph, one number for each person. Cense with a Venus or love incense, anoint with a Venus or love oil.

Invoke the Angel or other Spirits of Venus as you join the figures together face to face (I like to use honey to do this).

Either carry this prepared talisman with you, or, if it is more appropriate, bury or place it in a significant place, e.g., in your zenana, or bedroom, or at your doorstep (for drawing new love) or back yard (for maintaining an existing relationship).

Please note, if you are in another location, the election will have to be rectified.  This is not a simple matter of correcting for time zone.  If you would like to order an election for you location, you can order one from me here.

2 Replies to “Love in the time of Coronavirus”

    1. I would draw or engrave an image of a person of the appropriate gender, and write “my ideal lover” or some similar phrase on the breast of the image. Some people I have elected for have also had some success with a printed image of someone who is their “type”. It’s going to be important to have a clear image in your own mind of the sort of relationship you want and to express this in your petition.

      Chronos Speaks

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