A Quick and Dirty Guide to the Lunar Mansions – Using elections, Creating talismans

What are the Lunar Mansions?

Simply put, the Lunar Mansions are a form of Lunar Zodiac which splits the ecliptic into 28 sections. Although based on an older sidereal form, we will be using the Mansion system used in the Picatrix which is based on the tropical zodiac.

Each Mansion is said to have a particular effect (which you can find here or in one of the translations of the Picatrix), and the position of the moon in any of these mansions can be used either to simply elect a time to perform a certain action (e.g., with the moon in the 5th mansion, it’s a good to ask for favours from kings – or to ask your boss for a raise, if you do not work for your monarch directly) or to create a talisman for a magical effect (e.g., with the moon in the 3rd Mansion, it is a good time to make a talisman to bring good luck).

The great thing about using the mansions is that they can be utilised with whatever system you currently work with to add a little celestial oomph to your magick. As an example, if you do not want to create a silver ring bearing the image of a woman with her hand raised over her head for luck during the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, and would prefer to create a mojo hand instead, that is certainly another possibility.

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