An election for exorcism and house cleansing from Bonatti

And if someone wished to eject or expel phantasms or some harmful spirit (which is called the Devil by certain people) from some place or home, or some harmful thing either terrible or infesting the inhabitants of that place, or [if] in some person there were some violent motions (which is called demonic), and you wished to administer some medicine or perform some exorcism or the like, and you wanted to elect for him the hour fit for it, adapt the Ascendant and its Lord, and beware lest the Ascendant be Cancer or Leo or Scorpio or Aquarius; not let the Moon be in one of those signs; let the Ascendant be whatever [other] one you wanted, and its Lord free, and let [not] the Moon be in any one of them, joined to some benefic, nor let her be impeded.

Guido Bonatti, Book of Astronomy p.769 (translated by Benjamin Dykes)

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