Astrological magick as applied synch

This post was inspired by this post from the author of Blogos and in particular the following quotation from it which describes the synchs surrounding the performance of some theatrical works of ritual magic with a Jupiterian theme:

We were treated to two brutal storms in the immediate aftermath of each show and although theatrical ritual is the most powerful I no longer think of these rituals as magickal causes so much as rites that are ”timed” to happen at the same time as the inevitable (although this year super charged because of environmental change) storms.  I might think I am doing the ”timing” but this is delusional, I know only one iota of the workings of my own mind let alone that of higher dimensional entities that might treat reality like a notepad.  It is not so much an act of summoning the storm as much as it is the storm summoning me.  This ”de-centralizing” of the magical act – no longer ”I am the boss twisting reality/probability around me with my strangely attractive sigils”, or whatever, but that cause and effect are entangled – reduces the selfishness and ego that is at the heart of many sorcerors’ efforts and sublimates it into wizardry.  I don’t do the magic but the magic is done through me.

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